Educational Experience Presences


As you all assume, when learning, especially if it is distant-online, it is crucial for learners to pay attention and attend to the process of learning. And there is a chart which includes the presences a class should include. This presences are teaching, social, transactional and cognitive presences.


Teaching presence is basically the presence of a teacher. This presence includes both the planning and forethought that go into building your course and what you do "in the moment" when interacting with your students.


Social presence is the sense of togetherness of learners. It can be defined as being in connect and interact with teacher and other learners as "real" people.


Transactional presence is feeling of a student that they are connected to the other learners. A student can feel this connection by sharing their opinion with their classmates or teachers.


Cognitive presence is  the extent to which learners are able to construct and confirm meaning through sustained reflection and discourse. It involves critical thinking, creating and sharing new ideas.
